The Journey Begins

….or continues. However you’d like to look at it.

Anyhoo, here we are again, my bloggery friends. You, with your hunger for reading insignificant ramblings; and I, crass and impetuous as ever, and more than willing to provide said ramblings. If you are new to the inner workings of my mind, dare to take a gander here.

You may be wondering why I would choose to begin a new blog, when my old one was practically perfect in every way. I will only say that I really haven’t a reason, except that I don’t think I am the same person that I was when I woke up this morning. Oh, who am I kidding? I exactly the fucking same as I was, except Probably a pound or two heavier, as tends to be the problem as the day goes by.

Honestly, I felt it was time to begin anew. Plain and simple. But I’ll appreciate it if you remember fondly my past writings.

I’ve missed writing about whatever on a regular basis, and my craving for attention has missed it, too.  So keep your little eyes and minds open, ’cause this bitch is back.




5 thoughts on “The Journey Begins

  1. Yay! I am definitely not the same person I was when I started blogging almost seven years ago. I thought you were pretty damn perfect back then and you’re even more perfect now.

    And your kid is GORGEOUS.


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